Monday, January 10, 2011

A bit about me

Well, I am a 27 year old homemaker. I live in a small town in Georgia. A permanent resident of the United States of America, a Zambian citizen. So yes, I have two homes and anyone who has been through that knows how restless it can be but at the same time you really appreciate the fact that you get to experience what very few people get to do and that is the fact that you learn how different (but more similar than we think) people live their lives.
I have a 32 month old(2yrs 8months) son whom I love to bits. I have a handsome husband, hehehe, yes I think he is and we have been married for three and a half years. Just about as long as I have been in the United States. Yes you guessed right, he is the reason I moved.
I really am a simple girl, a great the sense that I ponder things for a long time, sometimes I think I may give my thoughts too much time. Writing has always helped me sort my thoughts out and its been a point of release for me because for me when the emotions well up it is so hard for me to verbalize and for me,thats when writing really heals.
I am a spirtual person and I roll with J.C, he is my personal saviour, my best friend, my rock. He really has been with me during the high moments of my life and the lowest of my lows. I am at a point where I think my relationship with him is getting stronger. I will be the first to admit that there have been times where I have felt I can do it on my own and only when things come crashing down have I ran back with my tail in between my legs. Well, after the second half of last year, I think God really put it in my heart that I really need to stop having an on again, off again relationship with him and so much has happened between then and now, I cant even begin to say but bottom line; I am pursuing a stronger relationship with my Lord.
Thats me in a nutshell...for now. I just love to write:)