Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Wow, time is flying. I feel like I am getting old. Some days I ask myself what I am doing with my life then I am like really? I have a husband and two beautiful kids that keep me busy. That should keep me happy.
Above anything else...I am grateful for my life. Grateful for my blessings. Sometimes though...I ask myself if there is more to me as a person.
This year I have a couple of resolutions...go figure! Because of that nagging thought that comes back every once in a while I have decided that, instead of letting all these unknown questions boggle me and start making me question the good life I have, I am going to dedicate my year to just listening to God speak to me. Because maybe there is more to my life, or maybe there isn't. Maybe God wants me to find out today, maybe He doesnt. The point is, I am going to try not to dwell on it on my own tiny human understanding.
So thats my first resolution.
 My second one is my marriage. I want to seriously rededicate my union to my husband to God. I feel like we may be going through the motions but not really being the sacred union we were designed to be. My husband will be away for some time and while he is away I am dedicating a fast for our marriage. I havent quite ironed out the kinks of my fast but I was thinking of giving up meat except fish Monday through Friday, or just having breakfast then fluids till supper time. Anyone who knows me will know food is my weakness so this will truly require the grace of God!
Thirdly I would really like to be healthier and leaner this year. I will end there coz thats a whole other blog.
Finally, I would love to be keep learning from God and the people He sent to me how to be a better mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend and disciple.
I am optimistic about this year. But perhaps this year in a more quiet and humble way. 2012 was wonderful but I also learnt that I don't have control over everything.
Happy new year:)

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